新闻稿 2014年6月23日


新加坡,2014年6月23日 -首办 “我的新加坡故事”微电影大赛:为了庆祝新加坡建国50周年和新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会成立30周年,新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡华族文化中心和联合早报网联办“我的新加坡故事”微电影大赛。此次大赛是在新加坡首次举行全国性的关于微电影的比赛。

首办 “我的新加坡故事”微电影大赛:为了庆祝新加坡建国50周年和新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会成立30周年,新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡华族文化中心和联合早报网联办“我的新加坡故事”微电影大赛。此次大赛是在新加坡首次举行全国性的关于微电影的比赛。




新加坡是你土生土长、还是落地生根的地方?这块岛屿是你和家人的全部记忆,还是让你情有独钟、流连忘返?离家多年的你又是否常梦到小红点的不同场景?这里的山不雄伟,水不澎湃,幅员不大,历史不长,却是我们共同牵肠挂肚的地方。2015年她50岁,让我们拿起摄像机、手机,以微电影来纪录对这块土地的情感。无论是成长记忆、生活点滴,还是浪漫情事、动人篇章,只要和这块土地有关,都是 “我的新加坡故事”。微电影大赛邀请岛内岛外的国人及友人一起参与、共同发声述说“我的新加坡故事”!


大赛联合主席:周兆呈博士 (联合早报网主编兼《新汇点》主编、新加坡宗乡总会社会事务委员会主任),方百成, PBM(新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会副秘书长),朱添寿 (新加坡华族文化中心总裁)。

委员:符诗专副教授(新加坡新跃大学新跃中华学术中心副主任),黄子琛 (义安理工学院传媒系讲师),张咏中(义安理工学院华文传媒系讲师),运佳博士 (宗乡总会社会委员会委员),沈茂华(联合早报网副主编)和郑宝炜(联合早报网编辑)。


评审:李富楠 (新加坡电影协会副主席),邓宝翠 (制片人),符诗专副教授(新加坡新跃大学新跃中华学术中心副主任),黄 佑 平 (新加坡报业控股 Razor TV主编),林翠絹博士 (南洋理工大学黄金辉传播与信息学院助理教授), 彭文淳(导演),胡敬中 (新传媒副总编辑(中文时事))。


中文训练工作坊 日期 : 7月12日、8月23日和9月13日
时间 : 下午2时 – 6时
地点 : 新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会
地址 : 397 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh Singapore 319 639
导师 : 王朝弘

日期 : 7月26日、8月30日和9月27日
时间 : 下午2时 – 6时
地点 : 新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会
地址 : 397 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh Singapore 319 639
导师 : 王朝弘


投件时间 :6月23日至11月30日
组别 :公开组、学生组、海外组
奖金奖品 :高达$34,000新元
报名费 :无
网站 :
脸书 :
推特 : @zbcom
微博 :




新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会(宗乡总会)成立于1986年, 是我国华人宗乡会馆的最高领导机构。于2011年荣邀李显龙总理担任首位赞助人。宗乡总会主要宗旨是:加强华人宗乡会馆的密切合作,主办或资助有关教育、文化、社会等方面的活动,提高公众对华族语文、文化和传统的认识。自成立以来,总会一直肩负着带动华人社会、推展华族文化事业、发扬华族优良传统的神圣使命。宗乡总会目前有212个会员团体。









电话号码:6643 6483

Media Release

“My Singapore Story” Micro Film Competition

Singapore, 23 June 2014 – “My Singapore Story” Micro Film Competition is organised to celebrate Singapore’s 50th year of independence and the 30th anniversary of Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations.


  • Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA)
  • Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC)

Mr Thian Poh, President of SFCCA said: “My Singapore Story” Micro Film Competition is an excellent platform for public to express their feelings and blessings to Singapore”.


"My Singapore Story" Micro Film Competition seeks to build an international platform for film enthusiasts and filmmakers, whether amateurs or professionals, regardless of age, race and nationality to participate. Participants can learn from each other, exchange ideas and share experiences in film-making. Be part of an effort to celebrate Singapore 50th year of independence; create short film that records your love stories, memories, and experiences relating to Singapore.

Competition Theme: My Singapore Story

Are you born and raised here? Is Singapore the home you came to love? Does this tiny island hold memories of your family and you? Do you have a soft spot in your heart for Singapore? Do you find yourself dreaming of Singapore whenever you are overseas?

Singapore may not have lustrous natural sceneries nor a long and rich history, but this island, which we call our own, still manage to mesmerise and anchor our hearts and our souls here. Use your camera or smart phone to make a short film, in celebrating Singapore’s 50th birthday. Share with us, your stories of romance, and tales of growing up or a moving retelling of something hidden deep in your heart. Come take part in "My Singapore Story" micro-film competition, whether you are living here or outside of Singapore. Don’t hesitate! Tell us your Singapore story!

Organizing Committee

Competition co-chairmen are Dr ZHOU Zhao Cheng, PhD (Chairman of Social Affairs Committee, SFCCA, Editor of and Crossroads (Lianhe Zaobao)), PERNG Peck Seng, PBM (Deputy Secretary General of SFCCA) and CHOO Thiam Siew (CEO of SCCC).

Members include Assoc Prof FOO Tee Tuan (Deputy Director, UniSIM Centre for Chinese Studies), Ray NG (Lecturer, Chinese Media and Communications) at Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), TEO Eng Tiong (Lecturer, Chinese Media & Communication) at NP, Dr YUN Jia, Ph.D, (Member, SFCCA Social Affairs Committee), SIM Moh Wah (Deputy Editor, and TEH Powei (Content Producer, Lianhe Zaobao).

Jury Members

Jury members include David LEE (Vice Chairman, Singapore Film Society), Eva TANG (Filmmaker), Assoc Prof FOO Tee Tuan (Deputy Director, UniSIM Centre for Chinese Studies), Jonathan NG (Editor, SPH Razor), Dr Trisha LIN (Assistant Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University), Wayne PENG (Director), WOO Keng Choong (Deputy Chief Editor, Chinese Current Affairs, MediaCorp).

Free Workshop

There will be six free workshops covering micro film preproduction, production and postproduction.

Mandarin Workshop

Date : 12 July, 23 August & 13 September, 2014
Time : 2pm – 6pm
Venue : Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations
Address : 397 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh Singapore 319 639
Trainer : Ong Chao Hong

English Workshop

Date : 26 July, 30 August & 27 September, 2014
Time : 2pm – 6pm
Venue : Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations
Address : 397 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh Singapore 319 639
Trainer : Ong Chao Hong

Competition Details

Duration : 23 June to 30 November, 2014
Category : Open, Student and Overseas
Prizes : More than SGD $34,000 worth of prizes to be won
Participation Fee : Nil
Website :
Facebook :
Twitter : @zbcom
Weibo :

About “My Singapore Story” Micro Film Competition

"My Singapore Story" Micro Film Competition seeks to build an international platform for film enthusiasts and filmmakers, whether amateurs or professionals, regardless of age, race and nationality to participate. Participants can learn from each other, exchange ideas and share experiences in film-making. Be part of an effort to celebrate Singapore 50th year of independence; create short film that records your love story, memories, and experiences relating to Singapore.


Established in 1986, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) is the apex body of the Chinese clan associations in Singapore, with PM Lee Hsien Loong named as our first Patron in 2011. The Federation's primary objectives are to promote understanding and appreciation of Chinese language, culture and values; to lead the Chinese clan associations in Singapore, as well as, organise and support educational, cultural and community activities. The Federation now boosts a membership of 212.

For more information, please visit

About SCCC

Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre aims to be a place where resources and knowledge coincide to ensure traditional Chinese culture are preserved and pass on, while promoting multiracial harmony and continuous development of the local Chinese culture. The centre is dedicated to strengthen mutual understanding and increase cohesiveness among the different races and groups, by achieving racial harmony and apprehension of our local culture. The centre aspires to become the preferred agency for conducting research on Chinese culture in Singapore; and to establish itself as a local cultural landmark and also the regional cultural fortress in South East Asia.

About is set up in 1995 by Singapore's flagship daily Lianhe Zaobao. It is the world's earliest Chinese news website and it taps on Lianhe Zaobao's extensive news resources. With correspondents based in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Taipei and Tokyo, Lianhe Zaobao is the international media that has the most number of correspondents based in China. On multiple occasions, has been selected as "Singapore's Most Popular News Website". It also enjoys high reputation and influence in China and other overseas Chinese markets, attracting large numbers of highly qualified readers in China including the likes of government agencies' leaders, senior government figures, business leaders, academics and professionals.

Issued by:

Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations

For media enquiries, please contact:

Mr Zhi Ming Tay
Senior Executive (Events)
DID: 6643 6483

新加坡是你土生土长、还是落地生根的地方?这块岛屿是你和家人的全部记忆,还是让你情有独钟、流连忘返?让我们拿起摄像机、手机,以微电影来纪录对这块土地的情感。无论是成长记忆、生活点滴,还是浪漫情事、动人篇章,只要和这块土地有关,都是 “我的新加坡故事”。


"My Singapore Story" Micro Film Competition
Are you born and raised here, or is Singapore the adopted home you came to love? Does this tiny island hold the memories of you and your family? Do you find yourself dreaming of Singapore while you are overseas? Capture these stories through your camera, mobile phone or other recording devices, and commemorate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee with us!

Cash Prizes & Trophy Microfilm Production Tips for Beginners, Sharing Session 分享会+工作坊 Sharing Session + Workshops The Judges 评审团