微电影分享会 Microfilm Sharing Session







他的早期作品在新加坡享有较高的评价,例如:《梳起的岁月》Vow of Celibacy、《大小通吃》Food Glorious Food、《十分新加坡》Made in Singapore、以及《心情工作室》My Life My Profession等,获得一系列奖项和荣耀的认可。

2007 年,他创办了August Pictures 堂堂映画私人有限公司。在他的监督下,堂堂映画出品了一系列优秀作品,包括:The Activist Journey《仁心侠旅》1&2、Home《家》、China Close-Up《走近中国》、Factory Town《工厂城镇》、The Place We Live In《生活在这里》等,并在世界各地获得国际大奖的认可,如纽约电视电影节、美国影视金鹰奖、亚洲电视大奖、世界与亚洲广播宣传推广会议大奖、新加坡红星大奖等。




相继在2006年和2008年,他为《国家地理频道》执导了两部得奖作品《中国行走学校》(Brat Camp China)和《监狱拳击风云》(Boxing Behind Bars);2009年也为《亚洲探索频道》执导了《亚洲饮食:台湾》(Culinary Asia:Taiwan)和《亚洲饮食:韩国》(Culinary Asia:Korea)。2009年,他所执导有关癌症病人面对临终决定的独立纪录片《李伯》,获选在第14届釜山国际电影节和第23届新加坡国际电影节参展。




日期 时间 地点
2014年10月11日(星期六) 下午2点30分 南洋艺术学院(校园1)
80 Bencoolen Street, Singapore 189655

**有兴趣报名参加者,请把个人资料(中英文名字、身份证字号、电话号码、电邮地址),电邮至 microfilmsg@gmail.com。名额有限,成功报名将收到电邮通知。



Free Micro Film Sharing Session

Title: The Art of Visual Storytelling

Micro Film is a powerful way to tell stories. What makes a compelling micro film story? Ang Aik Heng, Executive Producer of Threesixzero Productions and Chow Wai Thong, Director and Executive Producer from August Pictures share their experiences in telling their Singapore visual stories.


Chow Wai Thong
Director / Executive Producer
August Pictures

Chow Wai Thong has garnered an accolade of awards and recognitions for his creative works such as Vow Of Celibacy 《梳起的岁月》, Food Glorious Food 《大小通吃》, Made In Singapore 《十分新加坡》, My Life My Profession 《心情工作室》, which enjoyed rave reviews and ratings in Singapore.

Wai Thong founded August Pictures Pte Ltd in 2007, a TV production house that believes in the value of originality. August Pictures had produced numerous works, including The Activist’s Journey 1&2 《仁心侠旅 1&2》, China Close Up, Factory Towns, Home 《家》, and The Place We Live In 《生活在这里》, which had garnered prestigious awards and recognitions which includes the New York Festivals- International TV Programs and Films, The Cine Golden Eagle Awards, Asian Television Awards and Promax International and Asia Awards as well as The Star Awards.

In recognition to his achievements, Chow also served as a contributing judge for the New York Festival, and The Star Awards.

Ang Aik Heng
Executive Producer
Threesixzero Productions Pte Ltd

Aik Heng is a multi-award winning veteran in the Singapore TV industry for more than 10 years. An executive producer with Threesixzero Productions, an independent production company, Aik Heng was actively involved in many of the company’s defining projects such as Chinese infotainment “Borders” (Best Infotainment for Mediacorp Star Awards 2013) and English documentary “Being A Child- Singapore” (Bronze World Medal 2013, New York International TV Festival, Mediacorp Channel News Asia).

His first docudrama My World My Blog: Girl Gangsters won recognition from New York Festival 2009 Television Award, clinching World Gold Medal in docudrama and a World Silver Medal for Best Direction. This program also won a Cine Golden Eagle Award in 2009. Aik Heng also pitched and directed two internationally acclaimed documentaries Brat Camp China 《中国行走学校》 and Boxing Behind Bars 《监狱拳击风云》for National Geographic Channel. In 2009, Aik Heng directed two international documentaries Culinary Taiwan 《亚洲饮食:台湾》and Culinary Korea 《亚洲饮食:韩国》for Discovery Channel.

Aik Heng also produced and directed a local docudrama: Legally Yours: Family Violence for Mediacorp Channel U which is nominated for Best Social Awareness Programme at Asian Television Awards 2004.

Date Time Venue
October 11, 2014 (Saturday) 2.30pm Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
(Campus 1) Wing B, Level 2
Visual Arts Seminar Room (B02-08)
** Registration is required, please email your name, NRIC number, contact number, email address to microfilmsg@gmail.com. Successful applicants will be notified by email.

新加坡是你土生土长、还是落地生根的地方?这块岛屿是你和家人的全部记忆,还是让你情有独钟、流连忘返?让我们拿起摄像机、手机,以微电影来纪录对这块土地的情感。无论是成长记忆、生活点滴,还是浪漫情事、动人篇章,只要和这块土地有关,都是 “我的新加坡故事”。


"My Singapore Story" Micro Film Competition
Are you born and raised here, or is Singapore the adopted home you came to love? Does this tiny island hold the memories of you and your family? Do you find yourself dreaming of Singapore while you are overseas? Capture these stories through your camera, mobile phone or other recording devices, and commemorate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee with us!

Cash Prizes & Trophy Microfilm Production Tips for Beginners, Sharing Session 分享会+工作坊 Sharing Session + Workshops The Judges 评审团