

  • [新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会];
  • [新加坡华族文化中心]; 和
  • [新加坡报业控股有限公司]

报名截止日为2016年12月15日,任何报名应当于此日之前(包括此日)提交。 所有作品需要上网到“我的新加坡未来”微电影大赛网站
提交。参赛者须填写参赛表格时一同提交参赛作品, 或者通过电子邮件发送至microfilmsg@gmail.com. 除非报名者能够提供证据证明组织者已经收到了其报名材料,否则其报名不会被推定为已经被组织者收到。


  • 该电影必须以本地(新加坡人)为主题,并且
  • 该电影必须包含“我的新加坡未来”作为其主要主题之一。




  • 制片人(你)应当有责任服从该协议所有的规定;
  • 制片人(你)作为一个导演,拍摄者或者剧本制作人,较大程度的并且直接的主导了该作品所有的创造性工作和作品方向;
  • 制片人(你)已经拥有了或者已经购买了所有与作品有关的必要权利,许可,批准,以用于在该协议项下授权给竞赛组织者使用,并且
  • 制片人(你)在此承诺完全放弃其作为该作品制片人的精神权利,并授予每个或个别组织者和组织者团体无限期的,零版权费的许可,允许每个或个别组织者和组织者团体在全世界的范围内:

    • 出于竞赛商业推广或者每个组织者的商业推广的用途,安排该电影独立的或者与其它电影一起在公共银屏播放;
    • 重新制作制片人(你)已经提供的或者应当提供给组织者的,用于组织竞赛和竞赛及电影相关的商业推广的,任何照片或者其它受著作权保护的材料;和
    • 在竞赛网站内,每个组织者和赞助机构的社交媒体和网站内,使用、上传和播放你的电影以及其它与电影有关的被提交的材料。

制片人同时同意,在没有任何金钱或者其它形式的补偿下,按照任何组织的建议去进行所有有必要或者有益于实现该协议项下特许授权的任何相关的权利申请,行为或事项 来制定完善授权力。


  • 制片人(你)自由的根据自己的意愿签订这一协议并授权组织者行使该协议项下的特许权利的,同时,不存在任何无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的情形阻止制片人履行和遵守该协议项下义务;
  • 制片人(你)从未有做出并且不会做出任何与本规定和条款(该协议)相冲突的任何约定。
  • 非经组织者的书面同意,制片人(你)无权公开,泄露或者公共化任何与组织者商业活动有关的信息,以及只有通过竞赛渠道获得与竞赛有关的信息,所有的信息被视为严格保密的信息;
  • 制片人(你)保证你本人是你提供给组织者所有作品的唯一作者,并且是该作品在世界范围内,所有著作权和所有其他存在于该作品的权利或与该作品相关权利的唯一的,绝对的,无抵押的法定所有人和受益所有人;并且
  • 无论是否缺乏依据,只要因为直接或者间接由于制片人的过失,或者由于制片人任何违背或拒绝履行其在该协议项下做出的保证承诺或该协议项下的义务,而引起的可能需要承担有法律责任的一切行动,诉讼,索赔,要求,支出(包括在不影响每一个组织者作为当事人自聘律师支付诉讼费条款通用性的情况下),奖励和损失,制片人(你)承诺通知和补偿组织者,以及在任何情况下与每个组织者保持充分地沟通,并且完全地赔偿。


  • 类别一,为“公开组”类别
  • 类别二,“学生组”,专门为学生而设置。

竞赛允许年龄在13周岁和以上的制片人参加。如果你的年龄在18周岁以下,在你提交电影的当日,你必须保证你的报名表上有你父母或者法定监护人的签名 和提交他们的身份证或护照复印件。







  • .mp4/.mov/.avi/.wmv 格式
  • 16:9 宽屏模式 -1280 x 720; 或者 640 x 360





作为一个合格的参赛者,制片人(你)的电影必须是你原创的作品;不应当侵犯任何第三者的权利;必须是合适公开发行的作品 (比如,不能是淫秽的或者粗鄙的作品);不应当包含任何淫秽的或者色情的材料;不应当包含可能诽谤他人、公司、组织或其他团体的陈述;不应当侵犯他人、公司、组织或者其他团体的隐私或者其它权利;不应当以任何其它形式违反法律法规的规定;并且不应当包含任何受著作权保护的要素(除非是你自己拥有的)。任何包含了禁止性内容和不适当内容的报名将不具备参赛资格,,同时,赛会组织者保留拒绝播放电影,或者声明审查任何一部电影内容的权利。

所有的参赛作品将参加一个初审阶段的评判。只有在作品通过初审阶段评审员的评判,该作品才会被继续进入下一阶段由数个裁判组成的裁判团进行评判。赛会组织者保留选择合格, 可禁止参赛作品或取消比赛资格的最终决定权初审评审员的身份和他们在初审中的决定都不会被公开给参赛者和/或者公众,同时,他们的身份以及他们在初审中的决定是不可以被参赛者或者公众质疑、反对和上诉的。所有的决定都是最终的和具有决定性的。






  • 运作和宣传竞赛,包括联系优胜者,和
  • 在各种媒体,包括每个组织者的印刷出版物,音像和视觉呈现,推广宣传材料和网站,对公众公开和广告原版还或者改订后的信息。




奖励是不能转让和交换的“我的新加坡未来”微电影竞赛组织委员会和每个组织者保留用同等商业价值的奖励代替约定奖励的权利,组织者有完全地自由裁量权,并且他们关于竞赛的任何决定是最终的和具有约束力的。优胜者名单会在microfilm.zaobao.com/2016 网站公示。


  • 所有的竞赛规则和决定由裁判员和审判员决定;
  • 针对制片人为参与竞赛所提交的材料而引起的,或与之相关的,任何需要承担法律责任的一切诉讼,要求,损失,损害,指出,责任和开销(包括法律费用),制片人需要补偿和保护组织者,并免除组织者的责任;
  • 组织者有绝对的自由裁量权在没有事先通知你的情况下修改该协议中的规定和条款;和
  • 同意遵守该协议中的规定和条款以及组织者,赛会行政人员,审判员和裁判做出的所有的具有最终效力的具有约束力的决定。你同时同意放弃任何主张该协议中规定和条款或者该竞赛规则本身不清晰和错误的权利。





"My Singapore Future" Micro Film Competition Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to you as the Filmmaker listed in the Entry Form.
The Organisers may add to or amend these rules at any time. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the term the “Organisers” shall refer collectively to

  • Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (“SFCCA”);
  • Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (“SCCC”); and
  • Singapore Press Holdings Ltd (“SPH”),

The deadline by which all entries must reach the Organisers: is 15th December 2016.

All submission must be done online. Participants are to fill up the online submission form with all valid particulars together with your micro film, or via email to microfilmsg@gmail.com. Entries shall not be deemed to have been received by the Organisers unless you are able to produce proof of receipt by the Organisers.

All genres are accepted. However, to be eligible, the following criteria apply:

  • the Film must contain local (Singaporean) themes, and
  • the Film must include “My Singapore Future” as one of its major themes.

Multiple entries are accepted. However, a separate Entry Form must be included for each Film submitted.

Entry into the Competition is not chargeable.

By submitting the Film for the Competition, you hereby undertake that

  • you shall be liable for all aspects of compliance with this Agreement;
  • you have been significantly and directly involved in all aspects of creative control and direction of the Film as either a director, producer or screenwriter;
  • you have obtained and acquired all requisite rights, clearances and permissions with respect to the Film so as to grant to the Organisers the rights hereby granted, and
  • you have obtained and acquired all requisite rights, clearances and permissions with respect to the Film so as to grant to the Organisers the rights hereby granted, and

    • arrange for public screenings of the Film solely or in conjunction with other films for the promotion of marketing of the Competition or of the businesses of each of the Organisers;
    • reproduce any photographs or other copyright material of yours which you have furnished or shall furnish to the Organisers, for the Organisers organising the Competition and for the promotion and marketing of the same and of the Film; and
    • use, upload and screen your Film and submitted materials relating to the Film on the Competition’s website; and on the website and social media of each of the Organisers and each supporting organisation.

      You further agree to assist the Organisers, without any form of compensation whatsoever whether monetary or otherwise, in connection with any application for rights and to do all such acts and things as any of the Organisers may advise, to be necessary or desirable to perfect such licence or rights in respect of the Film.

      You warrant, undertake and agree with each of the Organisers that:

      • you are free to enter into this Agreement and to grant to the Organisers the rights granted in it, and are not under any disability restriction or prohibition which might prevent the you from performing or observing any of your obligations here under;
      • you have not entered into and shall not enter into any arrangement which might conflict with these Terms and Conditions;
      • you shall not, without the consent in writing of the Organisers, disclose, reveal or make public information of any nature in connection with the business of the Organisers or any information relating to the Competition which you obtained only as a result of the Competition, all of which shall be treated as strictly confidential;
      • you warrant that for all works supplied by you to the Organisers you are the sole author of the works and the sole, absolute and unencumbered legal and beneficial owner of all rights of copyright and all other rights whatever in and to the works throughout the world; and
      • you undertake to inform and indemnify the Organisers and keep each of them at all times fully informed of, and fully indemnified from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs (including without prejudice to the generality of this provision legal costs of each Organiser on a solicitor and own client basis), awards and damages, whether or not groundless, however arising directly or indirectly as a result of your negligence, any breach or non-performance by you of any of your undertakings, warranties or obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

The Competition is conducted in 2 main categories:

  • Category I, the “Open” category; and
  • Category II, the “Student” category, for students.

The Competition admits Filmmakers of age 13 and above. If you are below the age of 18 at the date of submission of your Film, you must ensure that your Entry Form is signed by your parent or guardian with photocopies of his/her valid NRIC/passport or any other identification document.

Category I is open to filmmakers resident in Singapore and/or of Singaporean citizenship or permanent residency status (though studying or residing overseas), and who are not full-time students. Category II is open to all persons pursuing a full-time educational course in an educational institution recognised by the Organisers (at their sole and entire discretion). Every submitted Film must be the original Film of the Filmmaker, who must have been significantly involved in the creation of the Film either as a director, producer or screenwriter.

You also agree that you have obtained the original author’s written consent to adapt the Film and accept adaptions of other films together with the submitted materials. If the Film is based on a person’s life story, a statement attesting to rights obtained for the incorporation of such story into your Film will need to be submitted together with all other materials. The Organisers and its judges are not obliged to investigate and cannot attest to the authenticity of an applicant’s statement of authorship or rights.

The submitted Film shall not contain any material which has been sold, and must not contain the property of any party other than the Filmmaker. Each Film must not have been sold, be in turnaround, or be in pre-production or have been produced at the time of the submitted deadline nor at the time the material is chosen as a finalist or Prize winner. If any part of the Film has been sold before or during the judging period, you will automatically be disqualified.

Collaborations are accepted. However, division of any award monies will be your sole responsibility and the rights shall be granted as if both are of one contestant.

Submissions will be accepted only by registered mail or delivery by hand, with proof of delivery.

Each submitted Film must comply with the following formats:

  • .mp4/.mov/.avi/.wmv
  • 16:9 widescreen format -1280 x 720; or 640 x 360

contained in a self-contained SD Quicktime file with no proprietary codecs on either: a data DVD -OR- a USB flash drive or a playable DVD

Each Film shall be of a minimum run length of 30 seconds or of a maximum run length of 10 minutes.

Each Film must be submitted together with the completed Entry Form, duly signed by the Filmmaker, with all the relevant accompanying documents submitted at the same time. Incomplete submissions shall be rejected.

A submitted Film can be in any language. However, dialogue or words in a language other than Mandarin must be subtitled in simplified Chinese characters. The title of each submitted Film shall be either in English or in simplified Chinese.

Submitted copies of Films will not be returned.

To be eligible for the Competition, your Film must be an original creation by you; must not infringe any third-party rights; must be suitable for publication (i.e., may not be obscene or indecent); must not contain obscene or pornographic material; may not contain potentially defamatory statements about any person, company, organization or entity; may not invade privacy or other rights of any person, company or entity; must not violate applicable laws and regulations; and must not contain any works or materials that you do not owned or hold the rights to. The Organisers, in their sole discretion, may prohibit or disqualify any entries deemed to be inappropriate. The Organisers also reserve the right to refuse to screen a film or to make any announcements at the screening regarding the content of any film.

All entries will be submitted for a preliminary round of adjudication. Only Films that meet the approval of the preliminary round’s adjudicators will proceed to be judged by a panel of Judges. The Organisers reserve the right to make the final determination as to which films are eligible for the Competition. Neither the identities of the adjudicators nor their decisions of the preliminary round will be disclosed to the competitors and/or the public, nor are said decisions and/or the identities of the said adjudicators open to questioning, objections, appeals from you and/or the public. All decisions made are deemed final and conclusive.

Each submitted and qualifying Film will be judged for its overall quality and concept and will be judged on factors, including but not limited to originality, story line, structure, characterisation, dialogue, theme, setting and the Judges’ overall opinion of the Film.

The winning teams and entries of the competition will be decided by a panel of judges except ‘Most Popular Micro Film Award – Gold, Silver, and Bronze’ which is decided through public voting. Computation of scores and selection of winners by the panel shall be final. Further correspondence and disputes will not be entertained.

All entrants may be filmed, photographed, and/or interviewed before, during and/or after the Competition. The intellectual property rights for these recorded material(s) shall subsist in the Organisers, each of whom reserves all rights to use these recorded materials or any parts thereof for promotional and marketing purposes, including, without limitation, screenings and for the publicity, promotion and graphics related to the Competition and/or the business activities of each Organiser, and/or the Organisers as a whole.

By entering this Competition, you agree and consent to each of the Organisers independently collecting and using your personal data, including your name and photographs and other likenesses or identification indicia (as may be necessary) for the purposes of the Competition, including for the purposes of verifying your identity; ensuring the smooth operations of the Competition; and for the marketing and promotion of the Competition and/or each of the Organisers

You agree and consent further to the disclosure of your personal data among the Organisers, and/or their respective authorised service providers for the following purposes, including but not limited to :

  • administering and promoting the Competition, including to contact the winners of the competition, and
  • publicity and/or advertising campaigns across all media, including in each of the Organisers’ printed publications, audio and/or visual presentations, promotional materials and/or their websites, whether in the original or edited format.

You further agree and acknowledge that each of the Organisers shall have the independent right to use your personal data for the purposes as aforesaid and that each of the Organisers and Sponsor shall independently own the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in and to the records of the personal data without any further compensation to you.

By participating in the Competition, you agree and consent to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and to the Organisers collecting, using and disclosing the personal data which you have submitted, and sharing such personal data amongst themselves, for the purpose of contacting you via mail, electronic transmission (eg. E-mail), SMS, telephone and other means of communication (whether via your Singapore telephone numbers or otherwise) to inform you about their products and services.

None of the Organisers shall be liable for any safe custody, return, and non-delivery or missing of entries, late, misdirected or unavailable network, server or other connections or technical features.

Prize(s) are non-transferable and non-exchangeable. “My Singapore Future” Micro Film Competition Organising Committee, and each of the Organisers reserve all rights to substitute the publicised prizes with other prizes of similar commercial value, at their sole discretions and their decision(s) on all matters relating to the competition shall be final and binding. The winners’ list will be published on microfilm.zaobao.com.

By signing the Entry Form, and by the act of submitting a Film to this Competition, you have indicated agreement to

  • all rules of this competition and the decisions rendered by its judges and adjudicators;
  • indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Organisers from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses (including legal fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims based on material(s) submitted herein in pursuance of the Competition;
  • the Organisers’ right to amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement at their absolute discretion without prior notice to you; and
  • be bound by these terms and conditions and by all decisions of the Organisers, the contest administrator and its adjudicators and judges, whose decisions shall at all times on any matter be considered binding and final. You also agree to waive any right to claim ambiguity or error in the terms and conditions of the Competition or the Competition itself.

Winner(s) will be selected only and when any of the submitted Films meets our quality standards. The Organisers therefore reserve the right to declare that there shall be no winners for the Competition should such quality standards should, in the opinion of the Organisers not have been met.

You acknowledge that the Organisers receive numerous screenplays and story ideas in the course of its operation and any similarity to your Film material created, produced, distributed or represented by any of the sponsors or judges may be coincidental.

This Agreement is governed by and construed under the laws of the Republic of Singapore. Where any term is prohibited, it will be deemed void and severed from the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Such severance does not affect the legality and enforceability of the other rules. Further this Agreement may be written in either Chinese or English, each of which shall be deemed authentic but English interpretation shall prevail.

If an entry fails to comply with this agreement in any regard, it may be disqualified by the organisers without any avenues for appeals or redress.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]