4 brothers from an average family are sent on a quest to the Westcoast of Singapore by their sickly father to find gold he had won in a lottery a few years back. To get there, they are to complete missions and obtain clues, while testing their patience and endurance, they face unplanned challenges that in return mended their bond as brothers.
影片类型 Film Genre 故事片 Story
拍摄地点 Filming Location 新加坡 Singapore
制片人 Producer(s) Ching, Ric
编剧 Screenwriter(s) Ching, Ric
导演 Director(s) Ching, Ric
主要演员 Cast David Wong, Guan Yi Ping, Aidan Lee, Deston Wong, Yewf
其他工作人员 Crew Fernanda Ng, Eileen Bak
Teochew @SG
Teochew @SG
参赛者 Participant郑立国 Tay Li Guo
影片时长 Film Duration00:06:19
A documentary that explores the future of Teochew Opera in Singapore.
主要演员 Cast Faye Loy, Gaya Rukjake, Sandy Goh Siew Hua, Lyn Lim Hui Ling, Kaitlyn Fu Le Xuan, Kelton Fu Jun Hong, Lee Swee Lim
其他工作人员 Crew Lee Xin'en, Adrian Tay, Nicolette Neo Wee
Woven Together
Woven Together
参赛者 ParticipantOndrei James Dass
影片时长 Film Duration00:09:59
As a teenager deals with the loss of her mother, she is reunited with a close friend, together they uncover her Mothers memories while getting to know more about the place she called home, Singapore.
影片类型 Film Genre 故事片 Story
拍摄地点 Filming Location 新加坡 Singapore
制片人 Producer(s) Neo Jun Bin (JB)
编剧 Screenwriter(s) Zoe Beatrix Juson Torres
导演 Director(s) Zoe Beatrix Juson Torres, Ondrei James Dass
主要演员 Cast Wang Xin Flora, Tan Xin Jie Amanda
其他工作人员 Crew Khairi Haziq
Breaking Barriers Through Blind Tennis
Playing by Ear - Breaking Barriers Through Blind Tennis
参赛者 Participant陈思霖 Jessie Tan Ser Ling
影片时长 Film Duration00:06:51
This documentary showcases the involvement of the visually impaired (VI) in sports, specifically through tennis. Soundball Singapore has impacted lives of the visually impaired positively by building a supportive community with the ethos of competition and Camaraderie.
The purpose of the documentary is to raise awareness on inclusivity in sports and inspire the visually impaired to rise above physical limitations.
影片类型 Film Genre 纪录片 Documentary
拍摄地点 Filming Location 新加坡 Singapore
制片人 Producer(s) Carmen Goh Mei Yan, Chia Mun Teng, Jessie Tan Ser Ling, Tey Liang Jin
编剧 Screenwriter(s) Carmen Goh Mei Yan, Chia Mun Teng, Jessie Tan Ser Ling, Tey Liang Jin
导演 Director(s) Carmen Goh Mei Yan, Chia Mun Teng, Jessie Tan Ser Ling, Tey Liang Jin
主要演员 Cast SoundBall Singapore, Singapore University of Social Sciences
A young pigeon named Fifi navigates the complexities of life in Singapore, facing love, joy, and heartbreak. As she faces with the harsh realities of existence, Fifi begins to question the belief of a harmonious future between pigeons and humans. Join Fifi on her heartfelt journey as she seeks to understand the world around her and confront the challenges of coexistence.
"My Singapore Rhapsody" is a poignant 10-minute short film that unfolds the story of a coolie who, after a heated altercation by the Singapore River, slips into a coma, only to awaken six decades later.
As he opens his eyes to the world around him, he finds himself astounded by the symphony of transformation that has unfolded in Singapore. The film explores the rhapsody of changes, juxtaposing the past with the present, as the protagonist navigates the unfamiliar landscape of a modern city that has evolved beyond his wildest imagination.
Through a blend of nostalgia and awe, "My Singapore Rhapsody" takes the audience on a brief yet powerful journey, reflecting on the passage of time and the ever-changing nature of our surroundings.
影片类型 Film Genre 故事片 Story
拍摄地点 Filming Location 新加坡 Singapore
制片人 Producer(s) 蔡绍渠 Michael H Chua
编剧 Screenwriter(s) 蔡绍渠 Michael H Chua
导演 Director(s) Ting Szu Kiong
主要演员 Cast Michael H Chua, Michelle Lee, Christopher Yong
其他工作人员 Crew Kedar Diwakar Mandakhalikar
参赛者 Participant
Michael H Chua (as Male Lead: Meng)
Going Home
Going Home
参赛者 Participant梁明宝 Neo Beng Poh
影片时长 Film Duration00:02:20
In this heartfelt narrative, a young girl yearns to return home, seeking solace in the memories captured within photographs and videos. While lamenting the somber state of her current life, she clings to hope for a brighter future. Through her journey of longing and resilience, she discovers that even amidst darkness, the light of hope shines brightest.